Monday 28 March 2011

Comic 878: Randall learns about recursion

Alt text: I don't know what's more telling--the number of pages in the Wikipedia talk page argument over whether the 1/87.0857143 scale is called "HO" or "H0", or the fact that within minutes of first hearing of it I had developed an extremely strong opinion on the issue.

Well, I don't mind this comic too much. All nerds love recursion, no matter how often it is used. He's made an effort with the artwork, and the majority of it is passable - the only qualm I have is with the changing height of one of the guys. The subject matter is a little dated maybe, but then it probably has a nostalgia hit for some. The alt-text is practically an admission of guilt in terms of his sources, and it's a bland 'internet-arguments-are-retarded' joke, but I don't find it offensively bad.

In fact, the only real problem I have is with the definition of the 'Matroyska limit'. Randy knows his maths, so he could have given the right formula (max. no. of recursions =  floor{log87(d/3 x 10-9)}, where d is the size of the area to be modelled, assuming that a 30 Å model is smallest that can be built), rather than the inaccurate 6x limit. I don't honestly know why he didn't bother with that. Maybe it would have looked shit, but that hasn't stopped him before.

Actually, the Fight Club reference is mildly annoying as well, although it's subverted enough not to piss me off completely.

All in all, a solidly mediocre comic. Didn't make me laugh or think, didn't make me rage.

In other news, I can't read Rob's last Dreamers Often Lie post without thinking he's talking about Randy. Normally the two blogs seem quite separate entities, but this time...

REDDIT WATCH: 0%. Nothing on Reddit, so I'm assuming he read Professional Mole's tangential rant about Inception.


I suppose we should ignore my obvious cheat-post, but I would like to point out that I got bingo in one sentence.

  Slightly better than recent efforts. Let's hope Rob gets back to trolling again.


  1. Actually I'm sure... "someone" said that exact same thing about how an artist would never be able to make a perfect replica of the whole world. I'm going to have to fish for the text I read this on, but the principle is exactly the same.

    Randall did add some nice illustrations with it, but he ruined it with the PPD, really. Or, rather, with a punchline at all. The concept was neatly represented but it isn't really funny, so he had to slap a Fight Club reference. The easiest one, actually.

  2. Couldn't he just make a replica of the world as it was before he made the replica?

  3. I think one layer deep is enough; he could make a mini replica, but that's it.

  4. There's something in there specifying it has to be a perfectly faithful replica, so one layer deep wouldn't be enough.

    It's all some trippy thought experiment, but who's Randall without his taking thought experiments to the illogical conclusion?

  5. "....All in all, a solidly mediocre comic...."

    As the proud owner of a dial-up Internet connection, I demand my access to the mediocrity that is the Internet. I will not accept anything less - or more.

  6. Are you saying dial-up still EXISTS? Balls. Why don't you just ride a penny-farthing bike while you're at it.

  7. Riding a bycicle will cause the ruination of my organs of matrimonial necessity. Especially o'er the cobbles of Bethnal Green.

  8. ... or the ruination of your orgasms of matriarchal nefariousity.

  9. Mahabalipuram?
    On the road to Mandalay more like my Serval of Self-laudation.

    It's menarcheal, not matriarchal Oh Capn. My Capn.

  10. By the old Moulmein Pagoda, lookin' eastward to the sea,
    There's a Burma girl a-settin', and I know she thinks o' me;
    For the wind is in the palm-trees, and the temple-bells they say:
    "Come you back, you British soldier; come you back to Mandalay!"

    Aung San Suu Kyi is a white-boy lovin' cunt by the way. The SPDC, formerly known as SLORC, rules!

  11. I always knew you were a communist.

  12. Communist?
    I rule with the iron fist in the velvet glove of Metternich.

  13. Or was that Bismark?
    I always get those square-headed krauts mixed up.

  14. Ooops! I ended a sentence in a preposition. That is something up with which I will normally not put.
    The communist asperion rattled me.

  15. Shit!
    I have an 'S' left over from that comment.
    Don't you hate when that happens?

  16. I was wondering what an asperion was.

  17. You're missing "Carl was better"; "haha, you're hate blog amuses me" (if that was supposed to be sarcasm); Random poem (rap lyrics are poetry right?);

  18. True, I somehow missed the lyrics, but no-one specifically says Carl was a better reviewer, only that he was more likely to put up a legitimate review. The 'you're hateblog amuses me' one is for cuddlefish who wander in and express hilarity/amazement that a WHOLE WEBSITE has been set-up for hating xkcd.


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