Thursday 14 July 2011

Comics 917-924: Bonanza Mega Review

I'm not doing the alt-texts because fuck it.


Putting words into someone else's mouth is pretty rude, even more so when said words are such a clumsy imitation of an eloquent writer. Technically, the 'autobiography' is not self-referential – the phrase should be 'the acronym of this sentence'. 'This acronym' refers to nothing. Randall at least seems aware of the shoddiness of his work, as the last panel displays a certain insecurity about it.


A fairly simple comic and not terrible, but it is overshadowed by Randall's antics on Google+. Posts where he white-knights, and posts about breast milk and sweating on his smartphone, make the ludicrous persona of Randall suggested by the xkcd sucks community seem quite accurate.


Irregardless of his verbiage, I could care less if Randall should of made this comic, imho.

It's not difficult to string annoying words/phrases together, and not that funny either (unless you do it with the craft and delicacy of ALT-F).


The sentiment is not too bad, but the caption/title taints this comic with implied social failure. Much like calling yourself 'xXx_*wkdkewlgRRl*_xXx' or 'Ravenzomg' will undercut even the best and most insightful commentary, referring to 'Youtube parties' as if they are a planned event will ruin any comic.


This comic would have worked if Randall was capable of building up dramatic tension – then the last panel would be a good reversal. Instead it comes off as a bit of whining with a sudden shoehorned LOTR reference.


The horrible wording of the caption overshadows the blatant hypocrisy. Also, he's about ten years too late for this to be relevant in any way.


Shufti's guest review nicely covers the problem with this comic – the idea is workable, but the execution lacks any imagination.


3D printers are fucking amazing. The idea that we can go from computer design to execution without worrying about manufacturing complications is incredibly powerful, as is the possibility of creating unique and specialised tools independently. They could well revolutionise the current system of manufacture if the process becomes cheap and quick. It would be like the internet made solid – not just information but actual, touchable tools and art zipping between people with consummate ease.

So Randall makes a dick joke about it. A dick joke that doesn't actually make sense.

Maybe one day he will tell us why.

EDIT: Maybe it was to make the otherwise non-sequitur title of ALT-F's guest post strangely prophetic.


  1. Yeah, I think the last ones are terribly… I was going to say something clever but all I can think of is the word terrible.

    Also, hooray for revival!

    Captcha: unqual. I really think that that would be a good modification of the English vocabulary...

  2. "....EDIT: Maybe it was to make the otherwise non-sequitur title of ALT-F's guest post strangely prophetic....."

    I's still ahead of my time though. Doncha know?

  3. Hey! I thought the breastfeeding thing was super-cool! I'm not that into breastfeeding, but I think it is moderately interesting that human mothers have developed a method of natural passive immunization.

  4. New comic is horrible, or at least out of Randy's usual style. Even if just the latter, it is badly composed with a weak punchline.

    I can't believe Randall hasn't done politics for such a long time. Does it not interest him anymore?

  5. His fiance is dying of best cancer, his mistress is dying of boredom, and you want him to worry about politics? Heartless.

  6. What? It's a pretty reasonable request. There's lots of it going on at the moment.

  7. I'll say.

    I would do another bingo score but... nyah.

  8. Why'd this place die? :(
    I mean, it was going so strong.. Why no more reviews?

  9. Wow, Randall's Google+ mess is rather quite a lot creepier than anything in the comic. It looks as though since you made this post, he added a picture of a flower that looks like a vagina. In case the resemblance was lost on anyone, he helpfully supplies a picture of someone fingering the plant. All this while having, not two weeks earlier, pontificated about his "strong opinions" about how "[o]ur culture's relentless treatment of women as objects teaches them that they are defined by the one thing that men around them want from them".

  10. >Complains about reused ideas
    >Does Bingo for almost every new comic

    I call shenanigans

  11. Kitten and me are not the same person.


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