Monday 7 March 2011

Comic 869: Randall learns to use a smartphone.

Alt Text: "They have to keep the adjacent rack units empty. Otherwise, half the entries in their /var/log/syslog are just 'SERVER BELOW TRYING TO START CONVERSATION *AGAIN*.' and 'WISH THEY'D STOP GIVING HIM SO MUCH COFFEE IT SPLATTERS EVERYWHERE."

Well, we have an upgrade in artwork. Hurrah! Randall has discovered the ‘fill’ button in GIMP, or whatever hideous Linux-based MS Paint clone he uses, and covered his scribblings in dark grey slabs. That must have doubled the amount of time he normally takes over his comics and clocked in at over six minutes! Most of the actual line work is par for the course though, apart from that first panel. That is the work of a ten year old, I am sure of it. Actually the fifth panel is pretty terrible too. And the last panel has some serious perspective issues. Does Randy have nieces or nephews? Do they help him out sometimes?

As for the actual content, Randy is complaining about servers automatically redirecting smartphone browsers to mobile-friendly versions of their sites. I personally haven’t had this trouble, because browsing the internet from a phone is a terrible experience only done by Twitter/Facebook junkies, fanboys desperate to prove how awesome their particular phone brand is, and other assorted rejects from respected society whose lives are wholly dominated by the internet. In other words, Randy has once again demonstrated a deep understanding of his disgusting, fetid fanbase.

As a final spit in the face, Randy doesn’t even get the interaction between server and browser correct. Firstly, since when does a server initiate contact? The browser sends a packet of information first, including details of where it came from and what it is, and then the server responds. Secondly, the server does this every time you click a link, so that constant interaction is completely standard. Third, he fucks up even his own retarded version of client/server interaction by changing the order of server questions in the first and last panels.

Despite all this, his fans will bathe in this stream of piss as if it is ambrosia spilt from heaven. I hate them, I hate Randy, and I hate Rob for not mentioning any of this.

Peace out.


So close again! There could have been a double bingo there if only someone had mentioned the thread's 4chan-ness, or if there were a non-impossible central square.


  1. An xkcd hate blog that's not just Rob trolling? Can it be?

    Please don't go redux on us. It's getting hard to find sites like this.

  2. What the hell is this redux thing everyone goes on about? Seems kinda dramatic.

  3. Someone wrote some good xkcd-hate reviews, then went on unexpected hiatus, then proceeded to troll his remaining readers (this was just an experiment, a scathing [but deserved] review of dinosaur comics, account was hacked, etc...), then deleted fucking everything.

    Going on unexpected hiatus is to be expected after you realize no matter how good your reviews are, xkcd will still: suck, have sycophants, be less important than real life.

    He's probably still around posing as some random cuddlefish or troll. He could even be you, but no one will ever be able to prove it false or otherwise, and frankly I don't care.

  4. I don't even find this funny. "Oh, my click directed me to the wrong page. Who can I blame for this?! No one. . . Unless the server's out to get me! That would be sooo funny, especially if the server were like, hyper or something."

    Also, keep doing these, please. I quite enjoy them more than what a trolls-trolling-trollfest XKCDsucks has become


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