Friday 11 March 2011

Comic 871: Randall learns about altruism

Alt text: I usually respond to someone else doing something good by figuring out a reason that they're not really as good as they seem. But I've been realizing lately that there's an easier way to handle these situations, and it involves zero internet arguments.

Well, it seems Rob has awoken for the springtime and written two actual, timely reviews in a row. I assume he has moved his laptop into his walk-in fridge, so he can reach the 14 comic-sized hams he has as a snack without drowning in a river of his own sweat.

Well fuck it. I’m still writing a review.

My first impression of this made me think this was a not great, but not terrible, advert for charitable giving. Haha, asshole guy is buying games instead of listening to Megan! Haha, what an asshole! I don’t want to be an asshole like him! But then I read the alt-text, and I wonder whose side we’re meant to take in this comic, because maybe the point is that Megan is being preachy and annoying.

That alt-text suggests Randy has been in an internet argument, or has at least read something about charitable giving that has upset him. My guess is that he has read this article about using 'dead children' as a currency unit, or something similar. It’s quite preachy, but it makes a pretty good case for itself.

If Randy is for some reason pissed off with this argument, he doesn’t make a good case for himself in the comic. In fact, he doesn’t make a case at all. If it was a funny, ironic or insightful non-case-making, like Tim Minchin’s Fuck The Poor (seriously, watch it if you haven't yet), I could forgive it. But of course it doesn’t.

There’s no joke. There’s no social commentary. There’s no maths or geek references or anything really. It reads like a particularly shitty and half-arsed Cyanide and Happiness strip with the swear words removed.

Given that the comic links to a malaria prevention charity, maybe we should be charitable, ignore the alt-text and assume that it is merely a mediocre poke at our lack of altruism.

Finally, if Randall the Ultimate Rationalist wanted to give something to charity, why didn’t he link a website that dedicates itself to finding the most efficient charities around? Like this. 


Almost forgot it.

Well, despite spirited cheating from cptnoremac, Mike and Capn, there is still no bingo. Guys, your incompetence delights me.


  1. "comic-sized hams" makes me think "comic sans"


    …also, an improvement to xkcd.

  3. I would prefer xkcd if it were written using comic-sized hams.

  4. It reads like a particularly and half-Cyanide and Happiness strip?

    How does that even make sense?

  5. Oh you are a wit, Capn.

    With the swear words removed, obviously.

  6. Bingo should be interesting this time around. Are you willing to give the "funny captcha joke"?

  7. We'll see, capnoremac, we'll see...


  9. (Also, it's "captnoremac"- notice the T)

  10. I make no apologies for mixing my capns.

    You all look the same to me, anyhow.

  11. Also, you spelled your own name wrong.

    It's 'cptnoremac', DUMBASS.

  12. okay wow

    I really am that dumb. Yeah, there's no "a". You should kind of take this is proof that I'm not him.

    Captcha: Angriers. What he's going to be once he finds out (or amuseders, so it happens).

  13. (I say "he" because I'm not typing that name out again, and everybody on the Internet is a guy except for children (pedophiles or FBI agents))

  14. Also, I checked, and whatever I did isn't enough to cause a Bingo, even if you give him "funny captcha joke".

    Say, what is a funny captcha joke anyway? You can read dullness into pretty much any kind whatsoever. I'm REALLY bad at high comedy, anyhow.


  16. Fun fact: all anons in this thread are the same. Can I prove it? No, but I can guarantee it.

  17. I've seen precisely one funny Captcha joke, and it was on the xkcd sucks blog fairly recently. It was:

    Reppers: South African rappers.

    I noticed that you hadn't made a bingo. I was planning to mock you for it.

    Also, you would make the worst spy since James Bond.

  18. …could someone get the real cptnoremac over here and get him to explain this?

  19. I'm afraid he's busy dropping tabs and taking extreme close-ups of his eye.

  20. I've fallen and I can't get up.

    Captcha: hamyea. Onomatopeia of one of the many horrifying sounds that come out of Rob's fridge.

    (That really is the captcha I actually got)

  21. That was kinda funny. Pity you didn't get it on the xkcd sucks comment thread...

  22. Misunderstood geniu5

  23. Okay. I'm anon. Repeat: anon is Mike. THIS prove anything?

  24. " (Rob) can reach the 14 comic-sized hams he has as a snack without drowning in a river of his own sweat....."

    Ham is not Halal!

  25. @cptnoremac - For shame! You hacked into Mike's account just to 'prove' you weren't anon? That's a new low.

    @ALT-F - You are indubitably correct, my dear former doppelganger. Ham is indeed not a Halal meat. Still, I feel our shared knowledge has not increased.

  26. I am a cad to my very core, dear ALT-F. I apologise for nothing.

  27. What do you mean our shared knowlege has not increased?

    Was it not I who gave us 'pisiform', 'piriform' and 'puriform'? for mind body and soul?

    And stop using the word 'maths'. I will not suffer someone who out Britishes me. Next you'll be telling me our battle was won on the playing fields of Eton. And why would you have the Canadian Dollar code in your very core? You're not one of them puck-slapping Mexicans With Sweaters are you?

    “Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice.

  28. Ever the racist, eh?

    You're worse than Capn.


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