Monday 9 May 2011

Comic 896: Puppet Zombies

Alt-text: But not permanently.

Wall-o-text alert!

This time it's all about Randall Zombie Marie Curie giving advice to budding female scientists. As far as I can see, these are the salient points:

1) You shouldn't listen to people using Marie Curie as some sort of figurehead for female scientists. She was a scientist and should be respected for the science she did, not used as a mouthpiece for someone's own agenda.

2) If you are a female scientist you should expect to be completely overlooked and reviled by everyone, because female scientists are so very, very rare. For the same reason, you should only use other female scientists as role-models.

3) If you are a female scientist, Randall is always there for you. Always.

Also, no love for Jocelyn Bell? She got the results that made her famous when she was a grad student, and she did so by completely ignoring her supervisor. That is the kind of person I can idolise. Randall probably doesn't like her because she is a Quaker.


Is it foolhardiness, bravery or madness that allows Jon to do this?

I say all three.


  1. Holy shit, it's Zombie Richard Feynm--


    So I guess Zombie [dead scientist] is now some kind of recurring xkcd motif. Sigh.

  2. No, ALTF, as in GTFO and never return. Capisce?

  3. No wonder Capn Kittens wants to quit this blog, with you shitting the place up

  4. Looks like something went down here that I missed? ALTF finally attracted enough hatred to get her banned?

    If you're reading this, ALTF, maybe... maybe just stop trying to hard? Like, to be clever all the time?

  5. All she has to do is submit a guest review to Rob, and she can comment all she wants.

  6. Well the two other female scientists he referenced were around during Marie Curie's time.

  7. I think Rosalind Franklin was perfect for the comic. Did vital work on the discovery of DNA's structure yet 3 men (including her supervisor) got the Nobel prize. Shit comic but can't believe Randy overlooked her...

  8. Once again, unless she was a child prodigy and doing significant work by the age of 14, there'd be no way for Marie Curie to know about her. Gotta give him credit for at least making that part accurate.

  9. She is a zombie. An intelligent zombie. She could pick anyone she liked.

  10. So are you saying ZMC should have done her research first, before giving this boring monologue? Maybe checked google or wikipedia? Because I think that's a lot to expect, from someone who's undead. It's bad enough she has to be in Randall's godawful comic.

  11. Zombies have it easy, man. Eat brains, star in one comic, shamble around. She had the time.

  12. If Randall can hurriedly flick through Wikipdedia in search of information to flesh out a boring monologue, so can she.

  13. Unlike Randall, Zombie Marie Curie is probably contributing useful scientific research to society.



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