Monday 16 May 2011

Comic 899: Numberwang

Alt-text: The Wikipedia page "List of Numbers" opens with "This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it."

I like this one.

Randall has clearly thrown a bunch of nonsense gibberish together, in the full knowledge that his fans will desperately try to find any reason or reference in it. He is trolling them, and I fully approve. I refuse to acknowledge any other interpretation of this comic.

Vaguely related - here's Numberwang.


  1. Das ist Numbervang!

  2. For those interested, the plot device debate has kicked up again.

  3. I love Mitchell and Web! It's time to play wangernumb: let's rotate the board!

  4. {Board rotates to reveal... the original Xkcdsucks blog? No wait, it's ALT-F in a cage. Strange, I wouldn't have expected her to look like that, her face is a... OH GOD THAT'S TOO HORRIBLE TO EVEN DESCRIBE.

    And she's trying to tempt Rob with a chicken leg, to unlock the door. But it won't work, because Carl has the key. Then Rob turns round, revealing he has Randall's face on the back of his head. DUDE HAS TWO FACES! Just before I can go mad from the revelation, the board snaps back into place and the blog is returned to normal.}

  5. Dude, I had the exact same dream.

  6. If he turned around again, you would have seen Carl's face on the front of his head. DUDE HAS THREE FACES AND A NON-EUCLIDEAN HEAD!

  7. thanks for the link to tvtropes man I would have been able to parse that sentence without it


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