Wednesday 8 June 2011

Comic 909: Tat

Alt-text: Wait a minute. If I'm escaping from a submarine at 50 meters, then I'll *definitely* need a flashlight to find air pockets for gradual decompression on the way up. Time to start shopping professional dive lights.

Randall has made a disgusting, almost illegible comic mocking his readers' predilection for buying worthless, 'feature'-laden crap. Unfortunately, the mockery is given as empathetic camaraderie, rather than the vicious assault on stupidity it should be.

Maybe one day Randall will explain why.


  1. Okay, this is starting to sound a lot like xkcdexplained...

  2. Please let this be the new xkcdexplained.

  3. Huh. I never thought I could be more bored than I've been at xkcdsucks lately. But these three-sentence posts have accomplished it. Well done, Kittens, well done.

  4. He will never tell us why! Never!

    Stop saying he might one day tell us why!

    He won't.


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