Monday 27 June 2011

Comic 917: Cockroach exasperation

Sorry guys, no review today. The blog got hacked. :-(


  1. A fucking punctuation emoticon happyface?

    Hacked indeed!

  2. You're misunderstanding the point of this post, ALT-F. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the great Redux crash, but it was a historical event that briefly united the entire xkcd hate community. Such an inane and attention-seeking display of stupidity on that day filled our hearts with love, or as some internet dialects may call it, 'lulz'. The doomsayer Capn predicted the 'second coming' of such an event, but he must have misread the scriptures, and ended up being off by 20 comics. Now it has finally happened in this one-line blog post, signalling the second horseman of the xkcdpocalypse, the first being the return of Carl.

    What does this mean? It means that soon Randall will reveal his true identity...

  3. lolno

    Listen, all of this Anonymous and Lulzsec bullshit has stirred up the urge to hack in quite a few people. Thus.

    Who am I kidding, Jon Levi. You're pretending.

  4. Lolno; Just wait till I post picz of Ryan North in a diaper; Trololololol!ONE

  5. No, see, trolling the fanbase is quite a different thing from hacking the blog. Whereas for the latter you need to be an uninvited intruder, for the former you only need to be a standard-grade dickhead.


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