Monday 20 June 2011

Comic 914: Cockroach apocalypse

Alt-text: On the plus side, she wrote 'Welcome to the AAA Club!' in lipstick on the bathroom mirror, and left me a membership/roadside assistance card on the counter.

World's worst party. Reversal of urban legend ('kidneys gone, in tub of ice' becomes 'ice gone, in tub of kidneys'). Terrible parody of 'HIV club' urban legend in alt-text. Appalling artwork in last panel (bloody ice cubes?). Continued use of colour (minimal). Why beret guy? Character growth? Hahaha.

Maybe one day he will tell us why.


  1. Oh, thank God. I didn't get it.

  2. So... the bathtub is full of cockroaches?

    PS He told me why, but I ain't telling you.

  3. I had steak and kidney pie once.
    Vile crap it was.

  4. Why not just sell the kidneys on the black market, and I dunno, buy some ice from the store?

    Or even easier--put some water in a segmented tray in the freezer.

  5. This is essentially a really bad in-Soviet-Russia-meme joke.


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